
Showing posts from February, 2020


A rock smashed through his window and woke him and the girl next to him up. “What was that?” “I don’t know,” He said, puzzled and afraid. The perpetrator panted outside after throwing the rock. She quickly glanced in and ran away. She got home, sat on the floor as she looked through her messages and remembering what happened that night. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Babe,” He said, and tried to hug her. She was shocked, knowing well enough that he would never call her ‘babe’, and that he called a close female friend of his ‘babe’ when they were having dinner with his friends that night. “Who do you think I am?” She struggled out of his embrace. “I…” He rolled over to the other side of the bed, still recovering from the alcohol consumption. She sat up, looked outside the window and saw the clear moon. The sky was clear, but her heart started to fill up with sorrow and resentment. ---------------------------------

Chance Worth Taking | Screenplay

1    EXT. TRAFFIC/STREET. DAY/MORNING. There is a lot of traffic on the street and pedestrian road. An OLD WOMAN collapses by the road. Everyone is looking at her, but no one was helping. Some look at her, seemingly thinking of helping her, but they are on their phones. Suddenly, a WOMAN's hand approaches the old woman and at the same time a MAN approaches her as well. The man drops his folder in the process of helping her. The woman realizes that, puts his folder in her bag, and continues helping. The woman gives her water and the old woman tries to sip it but coughs it out as she is panting. The woman takes a look at a medication she is holding, realizes she has asthma and has trouble breathing. The old woman points in her pocket and the woman retrieves her prescription paper from there.                                   SHE (to HIM)                      Can you please go get her this                      medication? I’ll stay here. The man nods, gets and hands an asthma

Escaping from Nothing | Chapter 8: Can I See You Again?

Everyone started to pack their things away and called it a day, even though it was no longer day time. It was already 00:36am and I was no longer as awake as I wanted to be. I walked around pushing and pulling the heavy lighting equipment back into their storage. Kael looked exhausted and so was everyone. The director was yawning and yelling at the models whilst saying ‘good job’ and told them they could leave after they changed. Then he left the set after saying thank you to my supervisor. My supervisor nodded and waved at him stiffly. My supervisor walked towards me as I moved around the stuff, put their props to the side, and cleaned up the studio. “Thank you, Daryl, you are great today. You can leave after everyone is gone,” He smiled, finally easing up. I smiled back at him. My supervisor patted me stiffly on my shoulder, then left the studio. I was always the one who had to stay behind to close down the studio. Kael had already gone somewhere, probably to fetch his

(Absolutely) Instructional Manual for How to Get Over a Breakup

The following article is completely satire. If you are looking for genuine help, please refer to professionals who are trained in the field and can provide professional advice. So, you just broke up with your significant other. Broke up, split up, fell apart, or maybe you killed them, and you are now parted, in death and hell. Hell, as in where you are right now, which will be in jail, if you killed them. No matter where you are, who you are, what you are, breakups mostly hurt. If they don’t hurt for you, then please search for other articles that are more suited to your situation. Recommended ones are: “How to Win the Breakup (Again)” and “How to Bury the Hatchet(s) (that killed my feelings)”. Here are 7 steps you can follow, to finally, possibly, very likely, get over someone. Step 1: Delete their Presence. Yes. Delete it. If their faces, photos, ghosts are still around, then you can never get over them. Delete all photos, delete them off social media, exorcise their ghosts