
I sat next to Chris’ corpse, as I shot the last intruder with one of their guns.

How did we get here?


I remember, back in university, I was hanging around this guy named Kieran.

He was nice, charming and an overall gentleman, other than the fact that he was a bit of a know-it-all.

We were having a causal relationship. After we graduated, we went our separate ways.

I left the city to go travelling, and started to encounter various people, including some bad people who wanted to take advantage of me.

Life is like a current that pushes you forwards. You either fight it, or you flow with it.

To fit in and survive, I went with the flow, learned how to fight and gained their fear and respect.


Years later, I came back to the city, and saw Kieran with another girl.

We never really had feelings for each other, or at least I thought so, until I started standing in the rain, looking at him from outside.

He noticed me and came outside.



He pulled me aside, out of the girl’s vision and kissed me.

Our suppressed feelings somehow unleashed, after so many years of being apart.

I pushed him away.

“What are you doing?”

“I missed you.”

I saw in the corner of my eye, the girl moved to make sure we stayed in her line of sight. She looked at me while I looked back.

“Who is she?”


“She is your girlfriend, Kieran.”

“We are not official.”

“You shouldn’t throw away all these for me. We were over long time ago.”

“I know. I don’t know why when I saw you, I had the urge to come out for you.”

“It is too late now,” I shook my head.

I waved at the girl then walked away in the rain.


Fast forward to now, my fiancé, Chris, being shot by intruders in our house.

I remember searching online and realised who that girl was. Her name is Sariah, the daughter of a rich family, who probably had connection with local gangs.

The intruders didn’t even search for our valuables. They came in, apparently just to kill me, and Chris was in the line of fire.

I sat there as I heard someone running towards me.

“Oh, my goodness, are you okay?”

I looked up. It was Sariah.

“It was you, wasn’t it?”

“No, I am sorry. I told my sister about you and I didn’t know she will do this.”

I stood up.

“Apparently, crazy runs in the family. Just go, leave. I don’t want to see you here.”

“I am sorry, I’ll pay for all the damage and his funeral.”

“No, I don’t need your sympathy.”

“I truly am sorry. Let me do that to make it up to you,” Sariah begged.

I sighed and sat back down with Chris.

“You know, we were going to get married. I had no intention of stealing Kieran from you.”

Sariah went silent.

“I thought you would, I saw…”

“That was ages ago, you know. Just because that happened doesn’t mean…”

“He was so distracted. He didn’t pay the same attention towards me ever since you came back,” She shook her head and sat down.

I looked at her.

“I pity you, but that doesn’t solve anything. If he isn’t that attracted to you anymore, nothing can fix it.”

Sariah sighed, “I know.”

We sat down and waited for the police.

“Any cover stories?” Sariah asked.

“Robbery went wrong.”

“How about how you killed all of them?”

“Self-defence, obviously.”

We started to hear police sirens.

“I should break up with Kieran, shouldn’t I?”

“That is up to you. If you feel like there are more unhappy days than happy days with him, then you’ll know when.”

Sariah went silent.

“My name is Sariah, by the way.”

“Amelia. But we both already know that, don’t we?”

©Yolanda Yip (Wintsarye)
