Find the Way Home | Chapter 6: What?!

That morning was a morning filled with rush. Kelly’s school was going to have a pet day and urged students to bring their small pets to school.

They didn’t allow big pets that can’t be caged, of course. Or it could become a disaster!

Kelly’s school was a weird school in people’s eyes. Her school encouraged students to learn through playing games and had weird events. The weird events included pet day (where students share feelings about their pets, and if they have a small pet, they can bring them in too), stationery day (where students share the old and new use of their favourite stationary)… simply weird events.

Mrs. Filjune put Kelly and Jack in this school because it was fun and easy for children, and they will be happy to learn there.

So, Kelly brought Mary along for school that morning. Jack wanted to take Mary too, but Kelly was Mary’s owner, so Jack couldn’t take her with him.

“This is so unfair!” Jack exclaimed.

“A pet is a life and a responsibility. We would like you to be older before we know we can trust you with that kind of responsibility. They don’t allow junior grades to bring in their pets anyways,” Mrs. Filjune explained.

“Yeah, exactly,” Kelly blew raspberries at Jack.

Jack frowned and went to school with Kelly.

Jake’s owner, Lowy was another one of Kelly’s close friends. Kelly found Lowy and shared her feelings about Mary with her. Lucy found them too, and brought Carol and Coral with her. The pet owners talked and pets talked too. Mary, Jake, Coral and Carol all talked about the day.

“This is weird, really,” Coral said.

“Yes, so?” Carol asked.

Coral stared at Carol with her sharp eyes, “Well, we see each other in the park and we meet each other now, here, on this pet day in this weird school. SO, it is weird and I think I am seeing you guys too often.”

They all laughed. Yes, it was weird, but it was fun too.

After the pet sharing, the owners walked together to the courtyard. Suddenly, a man walked over to them.

Kelly, Lucy and Lowy greeted him, “Good afternoon, Mr. Conlon!”

Mary’s eyes suddenly swelled to twice their size –

THIS was Kelly’s teacher, and the name of the man in her DREAM!

Jake knew about the terrible dream so he knew what was going on.

He was shocked!

What could they do about it?



This was why Mary hated being in a cage. She could not get out, run away and help herself.

All that just happened in a minute.

Mr. Conlon looked at the cages and thought, “How yummy rabbits are! There are a lot of them here, now. What can I do to get to them?”

But he kept a straight face and smiled, concealing his evil plan.

Mary knew what was going to happen, so did Jake. Coral and Carol did not know about the dream so they were confused when Mary and Jake started to move backwards.

Mr. Conlon started his speech, “Kelly, Lucy and Lowy, would you like to have high marks on your tests?”

They looked at each other and were surprised.

“Of course! Who wouldn’t like high marks on their tests?” Lowy said.

Lucy thought for a bit and said, “Are you proposing that we can have high marks if we helped you with something?”

Mr. Conlon laughed and said, “Absolutely! How smart!”

Lowy and Lucy smiled but Kelly’s face turned stony.

Kelly asked, “But how? And doing this is bad. We should get high marks with hard work, not shortcuts.”

“Well, it is all up to you,” Mr. Conlon looked at them and smiled greedily, “You just need to give me these rabbits.”

Mary almost shouted. It was exactly like her dream, and Mr. Conlon was exactly the person she imagined.

She looked at Jake and Jake was afraid too. The dream said that one rabbit would be a dish on the table, not four!

Now Jake and Mary were horrified.

Coral and Carol still did not know what was happening. They stared at them, confused.

“What’s the matter?” Coral asked Mary and Jake, “Why are you two shoving yourselves to the corner of the cage?”


Mary thought that if she hid deep enough, they could not reach her. She didn’t realise how far a human arm can reach, and a rabbit is defenceless under their hands.

Coral and Carol now understood. They stuck to the corner.

Mr. Conlon thought, “Do rabbits know and understand human speech? Why are they hiding? I don’t get it. No, no, no. That’s impossible. The plan for my rabbit dinner is still ongoing.”

He then smiled at Lowy, Kelly and Lucy for their permission to have their rabbits. Kelly’s eyes were full of detest and anger.

“Why?!” Kelly asked.

“Because I love rabbits. I want to have more and these, are beautiful.”

“And you would give us high marks if we give you our dear rabbits? NO WAY, THAT’S FOR SURE!!!!!”

That was what Lucy and Lowy said too.

“Our rabbits are like our family. They can’t just be given away. They belong to us.”

Mr. Conlon was embarrassed and got a bit angry. His plan was not going as planned. He thought that they wouldn’t be so attached to their rabbits, as in his eyes, rabbits are merely meals on the dining table and can’t be anything more.

“Follow MY instructions. Or prepare to have a BIG red egg as your score.”

Upon hearing this, Kelly, Lucy and Lowy looked at each other in awe.

Yet, they remained firm, stood their ground, and ensured that they would NEVER give their rabbits to him.

Mr. Conlon was angry at them for not complying, but he could not think of another way to persuade them.

He saw the principal patrolling nearby, and if he stood his ground, the students could report him.

So, he breathed in and out, and smiled.

“Okay, no worries. I’ll see you in class.”

Lowy, Lucy and Kelly looked at each other in confusion.

“No, really, it is okay. Go on now,” Mr. Conlon smiled.

Lowy, Kelly and Lucy cautiously left, as Mr. Conlon looked at them, concocting a plan in his head.

Jake and Mary looked at each other. Jake started to ease but Mary remained tense. She still didn’t feel safe.

“Phew, we dodged a bullet,” Jake smiled.

“Umm, we’ll see. Now I just want to go home and sleep,” Mary said.

Lucy, Lowy and Kelly later had to go to class and put their pets in a room with two teachers looking after them. The school cared about their students as well as their pets. They wanted to make sure everyone was safe and cared for.

“We are safe now,” Jake smiled.

Mary started to ease and smiled at Jake. Carol and Coral moved around the cage and looked at other people’s pets.

“Oh my goodness, is that… a guinea pig?!”

“Oh yes it is, wow. Tiny ears.”

“I know!”

Suddenly, Mary looked and saw Mr. Conlon entering the room with a piece of cake on a paper plate.

Mary froze as she watched him talk to the teachers in the room.

“They got cake for everyone! Go grab a piece now or they will run out!”

“We have to look after the students’ pets though…”

“Oh, it won’t take long. Don’t worry, I can handle it.”

“Are you sure?”

“They are all caged, right? As long as you guys don’t take TOO long, it will all be good.”

They looked at each other, smiled at Mr. Conlon and left.

Mr. Conlon was left alone and he looked at the rabbits.

“You guys are mine now.”

©Yolanda Yip (Wintsarye)
